Last Update: January 22nd, 2025
MR ROCCO: MR ROCCO INTERNET LTDA., a limited company, registered with the CNPJ under no. 19.675.774/0001-40, with headquarters at Av. Doutor Martin Luther King, nº 630, sala 51, bairro Umuarama, in Osasco/SP, CEP 06.030-003.
PLATFORM: system consisting of a mobile application, available in the App Store and Google Play, owned, operated, responsible for and offered by MR ROCCO where all USERS can view and use the services offered by MR ROCCO.
USERS: individuals on the PLATFORM who access and/or use the services offered by MR ROCCO.
In this context, as your privacy is very important to Us, this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) aims to inform you, the User (“You”), about how MR ROCCO (“We”) treats your personal data, i.e. how your personal data is collected, used, shared with third parties, stored and protected by the MR ROCCO, as well as how You can control your personal data.
USERS accept and agree that the information collected on the PLATFORM will be treated in accordance with the provisions of this instrument.
This policy will allow you to know:
1. What personal data do we collect about you?
2. With whom do we share your personal data?
3. How do we protect your personal data?
4. What are your rights regarding personal data?
5. Can your personal data be transferred abroad?
6. How long is personal data stored for?
7. When can this privacy policy be changed?
8. How can you contact us about the processing of your personal data?
1. What personal data do we collect about you?
MR ROCCO will only collect personal data from Users who use our services. We collect the minimum possible amount of personal data necessary to achieve the purposes for which this data was collected, in compliance with the provisions of the LGPD (General Data Protection Act), as set out below:
Personal data collected: name and e-mail address.
Purpose: access to the PLATFORM and provision of services.
Legal basis: consent and execution of the contract.
2. With whom do we share your personal data?
All information collected by MR ROCCO about you is confidential.
Under no circumstances will we sell your information. However, we may share it with third parties, including your personal data, if necessary to:
Provision of our services – your personal data may be shared with some of our partners and suppliers in order to enable us to provide Our services to You.
Access to the PLATFORM – your personal data may be shared with some of our partners and web analytics service providers to enable You to access the PLATFORM without problems and so that We, based on an evaluation of your interactions with the PLATFORM, can understand how to improve our services and your experience in accessing the PLATFORM.
Safeguarding rights – MR ROCCO may share your personal data with third parties if it is necessary to safeguard our rights and interests, comply with a legal obligation related to its business or comply with a court order (for example, with law firms, accounting firms, the Judiciary, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Consumer Protection Agencies, Public Administration authorities, among others).
The companies with which we share your personal data are:
(i) Google Admob for the purpose of advertising, which can be contacted at;
(ii) Google Cloud, which can be contacted via
In all cases, your personal data will only be shared with third parties for the purposes described herein and to the strictest extent necessary for such purposes to be achieved.
MR ROCCO will, whenever possible, anonymize your personal data prior to sharing and will ask third parties to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information shared.
3. How do we protect your personal data?
We strive to protect your privacy and personal data from unauthorized access, destruction, loss, alteration, communication, disclosure or any form of improper or unlawful processing. To this end, We have adopted technical, administrative and organizational security measures.
MR ROCCO undertakes to make every effort to preserve the security of its systems in the storage of such data, complying with security standards such as:
(i) Use of industry standard methods to encrypt the data collected, in addition to other standard forms of encryption, to ensure its inviolability;
(ii) Use of high-tech software to protect against unauthorized access to systems, which are considered controlled and secure environments;
(iii) Providing controlled access to personal data storage sites only to previously authorized and authenticated persons, committed to the secrecy of such data, including by signing a confidentiality agreement;
(iv) Application of authentication mechanisms for access to records capable of individualizing the person responsible for processing and accessing the data collected as a result of using the PLATFORM;
(v) Anonymization of USER data when shared with third parties who are not partners of MR ROCCO.
MR ROCCO takes the security of your information seriously. All personal data is confidential and access to it by third parties is restricted, being allowed only to previously authorized persons (either the companies with whom we share it or our employees and collaborators), who are bound by the duty of absolute secrecy and are not allowed to use it inappropriately, in disagreement with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
4. What are your rights regarding personal data?
You have certain rights inherent in your status as a data subject. These rights aim to protect your personal data and safeguard your privacy. We have listed below what these rights are and how you can exercise them:
Existence and access: You have the right to confirm whether We have processed your personal data, as well as to have access to your personal data processed by Us, by requesting and receiving a document containing a full copy of your personal data and the respective processing carried out on it.
Rectification: You have the right to request that your personal data be corrected or updated if you find that it is incorrect or out of date.
Explanation: You have the right to obtain information about how We process your personal data, such as what personal data is collected from you, how it is used, with whom it is shared and why, among other information. This Privacy Policy aims to provide all the information necessary to ensure that this right is met. In the event that You do not understand any issue addressed herein, or identify the omission of any matter, You may request clarification from MR ROCCO.
Cancellation: You have the right to request that your personal data be permanently deleted from our database, or to request that it be anonymized, or to request that the processing of your personal data by MR ROCCO be blocked. MR ROCCO will always comply with your request, except with regard to requests for deletion and anonymization, when the maintenance of the Personal Data is necessary for MR ROCCO to safeguard its rights and/or comply with legal obligations. You are aware that in cases of deletion, anonymization and blocking, You may be unable to access certain features offered by Us.
In addition, the PLATFORM allows you to delete your account, according to the steps described at: When you delete your account, the data is instantly deleted from the database.
Objection: You have the right to object to certain processing of your personal data, as well as to withdraw your consent to certain processing purposes. In the latter case, MR ROCCO may continue to process your Personal Data if the processing is supported by a legal basis other than consent. In the event of a dispute, MR ROCCO will be able to demonstrate that it processes your personal data lawfully.
Portability: You have the right to request that the personal data stored by MR ROCCO about You be sent to You, or sent to the third parties You indicate, in a structured and interoperable format.
Review of automated decisions: You have the right to request a review of decisions that have affected your interests and have been taken on the basis of automated processing of your personal data. Although this right is provided for by law, the decisions made by MR ROCCO are not automated, so this right does not apply.
You can exercise any of the rights described here at any time by means of a free and easy procedure. To do so, simply send a request to MR ROCCO at We will use our best efforts to respond to all requests as quickly as possible.
5. Can your personal data be transferred abroad?
MR ROCCO stores its database on third-party servers contracted for this purpose, which may be located abroad.
In such cases, MR ROCCO guarantees that your personal data will only be sent to a country whose National Data Protection Authority considers it to have an adequate degree of protection of personal data or provided that all the requirements set out in the applicable Brazilian legislation relating to international transfer are met to exercise any of the rights described here, at any time, by a free and easy procedure.
To do so, simply send a request to MR ROCCO at We will use our best efforts to respond to all requests as quickly as possible.
6. How long is personal data stored for?
All personal data collected by MR ROCCO is stored for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or until You, as the data subject, exercise Your rights of opposition or cancellation by requesting the deletion of the Personal Data or withdrawing Your consent. Once the personal data is no longer necessary or relevant for the specific purpose or you, as the data subject, exercise the rights mentioned here, it will be deleted from our database.
However, even if the purpose has been completed or you have withdrawn your consent or requested the deletion of your personal data, MR ROCCO may keep them stored if necessary to safeguard your rights, comply with court orders or requests emanating from competent authorities, as well as to comply with legal and regulatory obligations (such as, for example, for accountability purposes, storage of the PLATFORM access record, etc.).
7. When can this privacy policy be changed?
MR ROCCO constantly implements updates to the PLATFORM and its services, so these updates may affect the way your personal data is processed. Therefore, whenever there are changes to the processing, this Privacy Policy may be amended. Changes may be made at any time and as often as necessary.
For this reason, it is important that You review this Privacy Policy periodically in order to be aware of these changes. At the beginning of this Privacy Policy we indicate the date of the last update.
Whenever there is an update to this Privacy Policy, MR ROCCO will make reasonable efforts to make this transparent. If the update is relevant and may have an impact on the User’s rights, requiring a new consent regarding a certain treatment, MR ROCCO will make a request directly to You, if You are a registered User.
8. How can you contact us about the processing of your personal data?
MR ROCCO is always available to answer any questions regarding the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions, requests, problems, complaints or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, the processing of your personal data or the exercise of your rights as a data subject, you should send an e-mail to MR ROCCO at the following address
The person in charge of processing personal data at MR ROCCO is Marcel Ricardo Rocco, who can be contacted at the e-mail address indicated above.
MR ROCCO will use its best efforts to reply to all e-mails as quickly as possible.